SABnzbd Web Server

Changes will require a SABnzbd restart!

Host SABnzbd should listen on.
Port SABnzbd should listen on.
Enable accessing the interface from a HTTPS address. WARNING Modern web browsers and other clients will not accept self-signed certificates and will give a warning and/or won't connect at all.
Choose a theme.
Select a web interface language.
Help us translate SABnzbd in your language!
Add untranslated texts or improved existing translations here:
Default Base Folder: /config
If empty, the SABnzbd Port set above will listen to HTTPS.
File name or path to HTTPS Certificate.
File name or path to HTTPS Key.
File name or path to HTTPS Chain.


Changes will require a SABnzbd restart!

Optional authentication username.
Optional authentication password.
You can set access rights for systems outside your local network.
This key will give 3rd party programs full access to SABnzbd.
This key will allow 3rd party programs to add NZBs to SABnzbd.


Launch the default web browser when starting SABnzbd.
Verify certificates when connecting to indexers and RSS-sources using HTTPS.
Use the specified SOCKS5 proxy for all outgoing connections.
Read the Wiki Help on this!


Which percentage of the linespeed should SABnzbd use, e.g. 50
Cache articles in memory to reduce disk access.
In bytes, optionally follow with K,M,G. For example: "256M" or "512M"


Create a backup of the configuration file and databases in the Backup Folder.
If the Backup Folder is not set, the backup will be created in the Completed Download Folder.
Recurring backups can be configured on the Scheduling page.
Changes will require a SABnzbd restart!